Activision’s walkout and gaming toxicity | Engadget Podcast Live

Activision’s walkout and gaming toxicity | Engadget Podcast Live

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Employee Owned Technology Changes the Job of IT

Cloud technology is where more than 70 percent of small to mid size businesses store data, despite the fact they do not really trust it. Applications run on cloud-related servers can seem sketchy by most users as documents and other items are susceptible to suspicious activity. New programs and applications crop up almost weekly and digital products require support. Information technology departments are spending more money and time upgrading, updating and performing repairs on the gadgets which make our work life more efficient.


It is not always possible to stay on top of events or the news of the day while you are on the go. Other things like viewing and reading content when you want to access is something that everyone is looking for. Additionally the most important thing that comes to the mind is saving all that offline so that you can access and view it at your own convenient time. Now with the launch of Pocket you can easily opt to save it all in one place, especially Mac users. Viewing multimedia files, faster access and easy to save option is all that you can ask for when you are traveling.

Here Comes the Ematic ProTab EXP8 Tablet PC With an Ice Cream Sandwich

If you are actually looking for a netbook that can give you value for money, the Ematic ProTab EXP8 is definitely a better alternative. In a world where tablet PCs are hot cakes, it is very significant to choose right in order have the best user experience.

What Is The Best Way To Digitise Film-Based Media In Bulk?

Whether for personal reasons or for a business, every now and then we need to modernise. Today we talk about the best ways to digitise film-based media such as negatives, aperture cards and microfiche.

Apple Mac Pro MD770LL/A Desktop Summary – One of the Most Powerful Desktops Made

Apple brags on developing and manufacturing the fastest and most powerful desktop computers ever and their bragging is based on the Apple Mac Pro MD770LL/A Desktop. Featuring an Intel Xeon quad-core processor, and commanding ATI Radeon HD graphics card, this machine is perfect for 3D modeling and depiction. Add up to 64 GB of memory, a total of 8TB of hard drive storage, plus four PCI Express expansion card slots and the standard OS X Lion and you now have the world’s most advanced desktop computing system.

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