Leben im Smart Home und Internet der Dinge | extra 3 | NDR

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The toaster is broken. Nah, your fitness watch told the toaster that you can only have one toast. How nice of my fitness watch. We now have a smart home. We can control the apartment from the sofa. And no longer have to turn up the heating by hand. There's an app for that. Why is it so cold? Turn up the heating. Operating system update and then I have to update the app. Yeah yeah And then briefly the software in the thermostat. Alright All devices are networked. And think along with you. You honey Why is the refrigerator full of toilet paper? Since the update he thinks it's a bathroom closet and order toilet paper and toilet cleaner instead of cold cuts.

Aha. Psst. Come over here. I still need toast. Sorry dad. The kettle already made me sick. I don't want to mess with the toaster. How incredibly great you are networked … … you only notice when you have been hacked. * Door bell * Good afternoon, Ms. Schulze. Your baby monitor was hijacked by Russian hackers. Really? A "zombie baby monitor". And the baby monitor has turned off Hacked into Mr. Rode's pacemaker from the 2nd floor. My pacemaker sends spam emails to my coffee machine. Thanks to the smart home, we finally met Mr. Rode.

Yes, we love our smart home..

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