hello guys and welcome to Til Vacuum Do Us Part.
i have a lot of home projects i want to share with you today so we're jumping straight into today's
video so i'm showing you what you're going to need for the first project and we used two wood fence
posts but you could also use two by fours and then a cylinder block and basically we're making this
for our firewood so if you've been around here long enough you know we did this at our last house
and it was just really nice to have firewood over by our fire pit in the very back of the yard so
we're gonna do this here at our airbnb as well so it's just a simple project this was literally
free for us we had all that supplies on hand and then we got the firewood from chase's
dad so definitely just use your resources even if you had to buy this it would be
super cheap but if you are going to be doing larger pieces of firewood or stacking you know
thicker chunks of it i would definitely use the two by fours that's what we did at our last house
but back here we're just trying to keep the wood is super small so it's easier to light and we have
like a smaller fire pit but this is one of those projects it's super easy to customize just for
your area do you need it big do you need it small you could spray paint this or stain it if you
want it to look nicer we've never gone that far but we loved how our last one turned
out so we decided to do it here as well and just like that it's finished it's so much
neater there's not firewood on the ground if you need to mow or we'd eat i don't know i
always love this project i think we shared it in the last house but it's just super helpful
and super affordable and easy so i love sharing projects like that now we're gonna move
on to the next couple projects and they required gravel or some type of rocks we
had picked these up just getting like the gravel to the back of the yard is a project in
itself so let's go ahead and work on that first one of the first spaces we're going to be
working on is right here when you first come in our backyard grass will not grow there
so there's just a lot of dirt right now which keeps getting tracked into the house but
even more so if it's gonna rain or snow it's just gonna get super muddy and dirty so from
the moment we bought the house chase was like i want to put stones in here and some gravel we
did that at our last house and loved it and now that we've done it in this one i'm really
wanting to find a spot in our current home so many houses going on here if you're new we
recently moved um so we're in our current home we just bought an airbnb that we're going
to rent out so we're working on that home you can watch all my older videos to get
caught up but like i said chase is putting the stones out and now we're going to start
hauling all of the gravel to the backyard so if we were doing this to our current house
and needed this much gravel you can like rent a truckload and they'll just dump it in the
back but here in tulsa the houses are a lot closer and we don't have a gate for a truck to get
through so we're just gonna have to take it back there ourselves this is a really good project in
those areas if you need concrete but it's just a little bit too expensive this is something that
you can diy so you can totally do it yourself it does take a little bit of work it doesn't take
long um just consider it a really good workout and like i said it won't take long and it
will be so rewarding when you're finished okay so here is how it looked all laid out
we were trying to basically make sure we had enough so we were trying to throw the
bags all the way down where they would go but this is actually the next day so that was
enough in itself we had went and bought all the gravel had it loaded dropped it off and then
we're here the next morning we were also wanting to do a little fire pit area out in the yard
um and when chase was mowing the last time he noticed there were like stones out here in a
stump we hadn't hit it yet um so we decided that was going to be the perfect area for the fire
pit so we're going to kind of dig out a circle and i'm just going to show you how easy this is you
can make this as small or as large as you want to once again just customize it to your space and
liking and needs we're gonna do it pretty small where um just the fire pit sits on the
gravel and then the chairs are on the grass sometimes when you put chairs on gravel
they're rocky so i didn't want to do that when you're going to put gravel down and it's not
just on dirt make sure you're getting up as much of that grass as possible because you definitely
don't want grass growing up underneath the gravel i mean it's going to happen over time but if you
can prevent it or slow it down that's definitely wanna feel key light it's just what i do
when i'm out so try not to hold me down the weather here in oklahoma is
actually finally like calming it down even when it's in the 90s it's been the low 90s
and like the humidity's gone so it's actually a bearable it's the humidity here
in oklahoma that's just horrible so all these projects actually weren't
that bad when we stained the back um deck that's when it was still super hot and
sweaty and exhausting but it's been actually kind of just relaxing and it's nice to spend some
time outside so if you love the fall weather definitely get some projects and you get to enjoy
the weather and you get to get some work done we did decide to go ahead and cut more
of that stump down just so it doesn't get in the way we actually put the
fire pit over it and it would have been fine but we just wanted to go ahead and
get it lower since we're putting gravel in so that's what that looks like the next tip when
you're putting gravel or mulch down is get this barrier for weeds there's all different levels
there's all different kinds i typically grab one of the cheaper ones and then i just double up
the layers if you don't want to do that they have higher levels where you don't need to do that but
for this small area i didn't need a ton so that one roll was plenty and i could double or triple
the lighter if i wanted to nothing can break me look at these beautiful stars
i wanna drive a faster car another tip for you when you're working on
a small area like this it's easy to like weave it so i put the first
layer down one direction and then the second layer another direction if
you're dealing with like long flower beds i just lay it all the same direction but if you're
working with a space like this i feel like it helps just kind of weave it in just to stop
any of that weeds or grass or anything like that coming through the gravel because that
is not fun to clean out once it starts growing to through nothing could
break me nothing can break me once again this is just another super easy
project you can do yourself um you could have a concrete pad poured back here for the fire
pit but maybe that's not in budget maybe it's for a rental like us this is going to get the
same effect it may even look nicer sometimes depending on how well you do it and then you get
to save money you get a nice workout out of it and i promise you you're going to love the results
so right here you kind of get a sneak peek of what it's going to look like and it really did not take
long at all i ran to home depot to pick up the gravel and i found these chairs sitting outside
and i thought those will work perfect for the fire pit they showed that they were 29 but they rang up
19 and they had a ton of them so if you're needing anything like this run to your nearest home depot
i think these chairs would even look super cool inside but they're made for outside so it's
like a win-win with kids i just love the design on them and i'm gonna go ahead and set them
out by the fire pit and get this area staged i talked all about this fire pit in my
patio makeover video so if you want to learn more about that definitely go check out that
video but now we're going to talk cushions so when i decided to buy the chairs i ran back
inside and these were sitting on a shelf and they were clearance for like 14 and
they rang up for 11.
So if you see those grab them too they're probably even on a bigger
clearance now but they were light gray they even had the ties so i didn't have to worry about
them blowing away since we don't actually live in this house um and they fit the chairs
perfectly it was like it was made to go together um i think i spent like 67 on both chairs on
both cushions which is like a win if you're looking at outdoor furniture most chairs are
like a hundred plus each so i was super happy i also decided to add a table and two pillows for
these items i feel like they're super cozy and make the space look nice but they're functional
it's nice and soft against your back if you have a phone or a drink you can set it down and for
these items i totally just shopped my current home so before you go spend money on pieces definitely
make sure you don't have any lane around your house that you're not needing or using that will
save you a ton and it'll kind of shake things up and make you rethink your space this blanket i
had picked up from home goods for around twenty dollars it'll technically be inside i won't
leave it out all year long but just to show you the space and how i would have it set up if i
was having company over this is how i would do it we were young and we were free and running
never bothered about what could be coming every i am so incredibly happy with how this space
turned out i'm falling more and more in love with this house as time goes on if it had
more than one bathroom i would probably be selling my current house and moving in but now
we're gonna move on to the next project which is all the gravel and the stones once again this
is another easy project i think to get both of these projects done and we were just there like
two two and a half hours it was not bad at all i have always been afraid of changes
but you showed me life is full of faces sometimes clouds got in our favorite cause you're here to stay every night and day just keep in mind anytime you're wanting to have
a project done if you can do it yourself you're going to save so much money and labor fees you
can do it yourself and like i said before just consider a really nice workout plus it is so
rewarding at the end of a project when you know you did it it was like your time and energy into
it if you're married or have a friend have them over you'll have so much fun you guys can laugh
you can tell jokes you can have music playing it really is just a fun way to spend time with
somebody and then it's really rewarding at the end every day we dance and life's been smiling every night i'm delighted you can tell here how it's
really starting to take shape we didn't know how many bags of gravel to
buy so we were just kind of going with it we didn't know like how thick we'd make it
so in this project we finished it up for the day but we are going to extend it a little
bit longer we had bought all this gravel at lowe's and we didn't have one nearby this house
there's like a home depot but i don't feel like they ever have the same as stuff so we'll have
to pick up more gravel buy our current house and then take it next time we go but as you can
see it looks so much nicer it looks better like i said right there we're going to extend the
gravel to like the end of the or the edge of the step so it feels complete but now when you
walk down you have stones to walk on there's not gonna be mud like if we have our boys over there
they're not running through wet mud um i always love the way gravel looks with stone i think it's
gorgeous especially if you get like white gravel project by project and day by day this house
is really coming together she already looks so much better than the way we found her
and i just can't wait to see her at the very end but now we're gonna head on to my
current home this is everything we've bought to decorate the airbnb house and it was out of
control i didn't know what we had in there i was felt like i was starting to double buy or overbuy
and then all the furniture came in for that house so we got a sofa and two chairs and we had to
put it in here so it was time to get organized so we're gonna start pulling everything
out i wanted to kind of put everything in a category so when we start decorating if
i was doing the master bedroom i wanted all that stuff together i wanted all the kitchen
stuff together but the current mess was just stuff was being ordered or being bought and
we were just throwing it on top of each other so this took a little bit this is definitely
a home project if you have a messy garage it was worth it we were already so hot and sweaty
from working at the last house and it was such a pretty day i was like let's just get it done
before we shower so as you can see you're getting kind of a sneak peek of everything that's going
to be in the house so definitely look closely when we originally bought the house i was like
it's you know it's a two bedroom we're making it three bedroom one bath how hard can it be to
furnish a small cozy house it is so much more work than you can imagine i'm trying to think
of everything you guys would possibly need while you're there and just having to start from scratch
has been so much more work than i ever expected so keep that in mind a lot of you guys are
saying you know let me know how the airbnb goes or what to expect or not to expect the
thing i really didn't think about was how much work and how much money was going to be
put into just furnishing an empty house so there's my tip it you know some days are
fun we've got to find some really good stuff we've got to make some really good stuff right
here you're seeing some kind of up close shots it is so much better is it still a hot mess yes
but all the furniture's in there all the boxes are in there it makes sense now i know exactly what
i've got and what i need to buy so i'm glad that project's done but now we're going to move inside
so i talked about i think in one of my most recent videos i wanted to paint this table black before
i went all in like that super crazy because once i paint that i can't really undo it i thought
let me try adding some black through my lamp and a lamps can be super expensive so i
thought okay i'm gonna diy this i have these lamps throughout my house so if i mess one up i
have more so that's kind of why i'm showing you the guest bedroom but now i'm gonna go ahead
and just prep this i'm putting cotton balls in the top and then i'm gonna tape off some of the
pieces this is definitely an easy way to upgrade the things you have so say you have a lamp and
you don't love it spray paint that thing you can add stuff to the shade i don't really suggest it
i think less is more um i'm gonna be painting with black um i also have a vase in our master bathroom
i've been wanting to paint this thing black for like weeks and i haven't had time so i thought i'm
gonna kill two birds with one stone i'm gonna go ahead and get this taped up and taken out there
and i cannot wait for you guys to see the results so you can tell the sun is
setting i'm already in my jammies the majority of my itch to switches happen in
the evening time or right at night before bed so this one's actually shocker that it's happening
before the sun was completely down my little tip when you're using black spray paint unless you're
going super glam definitely get a flat or a matte so right here you can see it's still shiny that's
only because it hasn't dried yet but that would be too much in my house but a flat or a matte black
is gonna make a huge difference you wouldn't think the shine would make a big deal but i'm going
to show you the difference just here in a second so right here i did a time lapse of it
drying so you can see the bottom how like it's flat and then the top right right there
was shiny and now that it's dry it just looks so much more classy like i said if you're
going super glam you probably want the shine but i didn't with my current style now i'm
going to start removing the tape if you have any elements on there that you don't want painted
definitely take the time to tape it off because i love how this is mixed with the flat black
and then that yarn at the top and this was free for me so i already had the base i already
had the spray paint i feel like i have a whole new piece for my bathroom and i want you to
see the difference once i put it in there it just looks so much better it's more my
style and once again just use what you have paint can do so much for your house so if you're
on a tight budget i hear all the time like i can't decorate my house because i you know
don't have enough money if you can afford a five dollar can of spray paint ask for it for your
birthday for a holiday whatever it is you can do so much with one can of spray paint and it can
completely change the look of your house it can update your pieces um now i'm working on the lamb
but this one made me a little bit nervous because i knew it was going to be like black and white
i have that white shade with the black bottom i do like it best with the light on i use daylight
bulbs but it still just warms up the shade a little bit so it's not so harsh and i love having
the black elements over here in this area i felt like it was lacking black so instead of having to
paint the whole table i feel like this is a win right here i'm going to show you what it
looks like from like before and after so i painted it black there on the left and
then on the right is before it was painted so both look nice i definitely wouldn't put
the black lamps in here i want a black lamp but i'm not sure the style but here in my
entryway it's perfect so thank you guys so much for hanging out with me i hope you got
some tips i hope it saved you some money get to getting creative i hope you have a wonderful
week and i will see you in the next one bye
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