12 COOLEST GADGETS That Are Worth Buying

12 COOLEST GADGETS That Are Worth Buying

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Physical Activity Has a Direct Correlation to Overall Wellness,Relaxation, and Mind/Body Connection

***The human brain, or I like to call the thinking organ is amazing and science is still learning and revealing a lot of information almost daily about the amazing connection between our thoughts and our overall bodily health… We are everything that we desire to be when we include our brain’s power to empower our bodies, minds and to grant us endless possibilities for successful living! ~

Earth:Ocean Waters, Beautiful Mountain Streams, The Great Lakes, Rich,Abundant, Bountiful Farm Land

**Though the date and time of any ones’ expiration is unknown, we individually can choose to excel and thrive in the time that we are eagerly and productively alive! THE TIME IS NOW to get more AWARE or become aware of the need to restore, revive and to take better care of our amazing, loving life-giving planet… Planetary awareness is no longer passee or part of a 1960’s revival journey! OH NO! It’s so much more of an opportunity to connect to one another on a more global and noble level… Where does your understanding lie? Does Planet Earth call you, feed you and keep you warmly fed, productive and enlightened?

Do You Want A Real Spiritual Uplift – Then Experience The Sovereign Hand of Our Sovereign God

This is the account of God’s people told from God’s point of view. These Chapters are not merely historical, intellectual or academic – they are relevant for each of us – for all mankind. These kings had absolute power – unlike the monarch in our land. They made the laws and commanded the armies – no parliament – no voting – no opposition, politically speaking – although there was opposition – and sometimes from men of God, when the king was bad. God tells us whether the king was a good king or a bad king – depending upon his spiritual qualities. Did he worship the God of Israel, or did he bow down to idols and do evil in the sight of the Lord? Was he for morality, justice, integrity – or were these qualities lacking in his life? We read of what God regards as important. God is primarily interested in the leaders’ beliefs and behaviour. Even as we sweep through the Bible – see the Hand of God in your own life – taking time to worship Him and give thanks.

Law Of Resonance: Is The Law Of Resonance The Antidote To The Victim Mentality?

If someone has a victim mentality, they are essentially going to believe that they have no control over their life. What will be in control of their life will be the situations, circumstances and events that they find themselves in and the people with who they cross paths with.

Why Worry? Make It All Good

Indeed, good and bad are in the eyes of the beholder who works definitely toward either condition. The worst or best way to live is determined by our consciousness.

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