A Smartphone That Bends the Rules of Nature
Ever since the conception and ultimately its manufacture, the smartphone has evolved from simply allowing text messages and e-mails to be sent and calls to be made to capturing and editing pictures, streaming online videos, downloads and uploads, and all other treats. Now it has come to a point that the very tool we depend on most of our daily tasks has the capacity to make the impossible, possible.
Impact Of Information Technology on Social LifeIn addition to driving our economy and affecting how we work and what jobs we do, IT affects how we relate to one another, how we learn, and not only how we access information but also what information we obtain. Overall, IT has been a very positive contributor to our welfare, but it raises some troubling questions. Today we are easily connected to one another through electronic media such as cell phones, email, instant messaging, Twitter, and Facebook so that we can stay in close contact with and share information with more and more individuals than ever before…
Technology Lifecycle Management PlanIf this rings true with you, then you might be interested to know that you can actually save a lot of money by opening a new piece of technology more often. You may think that’s not possible, or that it doesn’t make any sense, but in the context of business, regularly and procedurally updating technology is an absolute must.
Deleting Facebook and Twitter AccountsEver since the arrival of social media communication, each one has defined digital lifestyle. Each technology user has been keen on marking their presence online. Another thing is keeping in continuous touch with your friend network. Some are keen on online marketing for their company or products. Even though it does seems interesting but at times things might get out of hand. Either too much of distraction, account hack or simply that you would like to actually shut it off for your own peace. Other things can be privacy concern. Whatever the reason be, if you have finally decided to shut off, kill, deactivate your Facebook and Twitter accounts then you need to know how it can be done.
What Would A Perfect Smartwatch Be?Wearable tech is one of the hottest trends of the upcoming 2014. The brightest item that raises discussions nowadays is the watch, or more precisely, smartwatch.
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