Is the Samsung Galaxy S2 The Most Loved Smartphone?
Last year was a triumph for Samsung as the firm brought out a number of similar Galaxy models in the range, but the S2 was head and shoulders above the rest and many would argue the competition too. It’s a similar-looking device to the rest of the Galaxy range, which is no bad thing, but it’s deeply intriguing who the electronics giant has managed to cram so many tech into this smartphone that it’s worth buying just to try and work that out!
Samsung Galaxy S Vs HTC Desire – Which Android Phone Is Your Favourite?Android continues to be the biggest threat to Blackberry and Apple’s iOS operating system. Being passed around many different types of handsets it’s fair to say that Android has the market in a stranglehold. Of course, there are millions of Apple owners out there but Android is available across a myriad of phone makers that makes it difficult to ignore.
Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18 MP Digital SLR CameraThe Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18 MP Digital SLR Camera shows the current technology amongst cameras. The Canon rebel t3i is a modern version from canon brands. It is an easy to operate camera that makes photo taking more creative and adventurous to undertake. It is a perfect camera for those who are entering the field of photography. It is well known for its high quality images and full high density (HD) videos.
Lenovo ThinkPad Review – Android Tablet PC Designed for Business EnvironmentLenovo ThinkPad is a tablet pc, especially designed for the business environment. ThinkPad Tablet is for those who want to be productive and want to replace the laptop with a device more portable and easier to use. In other words, Lenovo ThinkPad is a tablet PC for businessmen and those working in corporate environments and companies.
How to Fix a Stuck Dead Pixel on Your LCD Monitor or TVThis article will explain how to find dead pixels, and what you can do about them once you find out that your custom built PC’s monitor does in fact have a dead pixel or pixels. A custom built PC’s 1080P monitor or a TV has (by definition) 1900 pixels and 1080 pixels both horizontally and vertically respectively. What that means, is you have about two million little spots of light that make up the image you see through the monitor.
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