Smart Home using ESP32 Project | Google + Alexa + Bluetooth + IR + Manual Switch – IoT Project 2022

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Hello friends, welcome to Tech StudyCell. In this 
video, we will make another home automation system   to control the appliances with Google Assistant, 
Alexa, Bluetooth, IR remote and Manual switches.   if the ESP32 is not connected with WiFi, still 
you can control all the appliances from your   smartphone through Bluetooth. and you can 
also use IR remote and manual switches.   for this project I have used all the free 
tools. so everything is free. and you can   make the circuit without using any PCB. and during 
the video, I have shared the complete circuit,   source codes.

So after watching the complete 
video, you can easily make this project.   now before going to the details, let 
me show you how this project works.   here you can see, the blue LED is glowing, which 
indicates now ESP32 is connected with the Wi-Fi.   first, let me control the third lamp with Google 
Assistant. "Hey Google, turn on switch 3". you   can you see the lamp turn on. now let me use 
Alexa to turn it off "Alexa, turn off switch 3".   the lamp turns off. now let me turn off the 
Wi-Fi to show you how it works without internet.   after turning off the Wi-Fi, you can see 
the blue LED is not glowing, so it is not   connected with Wi-Fi.

And here it is showing no 
internet connection in Amazon Alexa app. first,   let me control appliances with Bluetooth. you can 
use any Bluetooth module, I've already made an App   in MIT app inventor to control the appliances. you 
can download it from the video description. first,   let me connect BLE module, I will just connect the 
module and here it is showing connected. now I can   easily control the lamps with this Bluetooth app, 
as you can see. and I can use this button to turn   off all the lamps together. and I can also use 
the IR remote to control appliances. and I can   again use this button to turn off all the lamps 
together. now let me use the manual switches.   As I said, you can use any Bluetooth or BLE module 
for this project. but if you use this BLE module   then you can cover more distance, so you can 
control appliances from other rooms. now let   me turn on the Wi-Fi again. after turning on the 
Wi-Fi the ESP32 will automatically connect with   Wi-Fi and this blue LED will turn on. now again 
I can control it with the Amazon and Google.   So this is a very useful IoT project, you can 
easily make for your home.

Now without any further   delay let get started… These are the required 
components for this project. for the Bluetooth   control, you can either use HC-05 Bluetooth module 
or any BLE modules. in this project, I am going to   use this RYBG211 BLE module from Reyax. as this 
is a BLE module so it consumes very low energy   and apart from that, you can connect it with 8 
client host at the same time. with this module   you can also cover more distance than other 
Bluetooth module. so if you want to use this   BLE module you can find a purchase link in the 
video description. now We have to connect all   these components as per this circuit diagram. 
if you want to use HC-05 Bluetooth module,   then you can refer to this circuit.

I have given 
the 5 volt supply to the Bluetooth module, ESP32,   relay module and IR receiver. you should use 
a IR receiver with a metallic case. now if you   want to use latched switches, then you can refer 
to this circuit. you just have to connect switches   across the GPIO pins and ground pin. now if 
you want to use BLE module for this project,   the you can refer to this circuit. here I have 
used Reyax RYBG211 BLE module. for this module, I   have given the 3.3 volt supply from the ESP32. and 
here I have just use the TX pin of this module,   and for the serial communication I have used the 
RX2 pin of the ESP32.

And again if you want to use   pushbuttons, then you just have to connect the 
pushbuttons across the GPIO pin and ground pin.   as you can see the circuits are very simple 
you can easily make it without using any PCB.   but just to make the circuit compact and to avoid 
any loose connections, you can use these PCBs for   this project. for this PCB I have used the SMT 
service of the Jlcpcb. you can download the Gerber   files for both the PCB from video description, and 
order it from the jlcpcb. in jlcpcb, you can also   use their PCB assembly service absolutely free. 
you just have to pay for the components. to use   their PCB assembly service you have to generate 
3 files. you have to generate the PCB Gerber File   then BOM file and peak and place file. then 
visit the jlcpcb, you can find the link in   the description. then you have to upload the 
Gerber file. after that if I will scroll down,   now I want all the components should be soldered 
on the top side of the PCB.

Now I have to upload   the BOM file and pick and place file. here 
you have to confirm all the components,   that you want to use for the Assembly service. you 
can see it is showing approx footprint. and you   will get all the details here. after checking all 
these, click on save to cart, and place the order.   in my case I have received is PCB from jlcpcb 
within a week. and as you can see the packing is   really good and also the quality is very premium 
in the this affordable price.

These are the source   codes for this project. you can download all these 
codes from our website or just   visit the article, link given in the description. 
Then you can download all the codes from these   buttons. after downloading, first, you have to 
get the HEX codes of the IR remote buttons. for   that you can use this code. In this code, you 
can see you have to install IRRemotelibrary   3.6.1 version. after that, upload this code to 
ESP32. Then connect the ESP32 with the IR receiver   as per this circuit. then open the serial monitor. 
now press the IR remote buttons, you will find the   related HEX codes will populate in the serial 
monitor. now save all these HEX codes. These are   the main sketches for this project. if you want 
to use latched switch, then you can refer to this   code. and for the pushbutton you have to upload 
this code. let me open the code for the button.   to program the ESP32 for RainMaker, you need to 
install the 2.0.3 version of the ESP32 board.   for that, first, you have to update the preference 

You can copy these 2 URLs,then go to File,   Preference and here you have to update these two 
URLs. after that you have to go to tools, Board,   then go to Boards manager, and from here you can 
update the ESP32 board to the 2.0.3 version. after   that, you need to install these libraries. I 
have also mentioned the version required for   this project. for your to install this version 
for these libraries. here you can see this is   the Node name. you can change this node name. 
under this Node, you will get these devices   and you can also change the device names. Alexa 
or Google will identify the devices with these   names. I have given the name Switch1 Switch2…. 
like that. you can give any other names like room   light study lamp as per your requirement. 
after that, you have to update the HEX codes   of the IR remote buttons.

These are the hex 
code for the IR remote buttons. In my case,   I have used the button "1" to control the relay-1. 
so I will just copy the HEX codes of the button-1   and here I will paste it. in this way, you 
have to update the HEX codes of all the IR   remote buttons. after that, these are the GPIO 
pins, I have used for this project. and for the   serial communication with the Bluetooth module, 
I have used these two pins.

Now let me go to void   setup(). here you can see, that I have used 
these two pins for the serial communication   with the Bluetooth module. now let me go to 
the void loop. in the void loop, I am calling   these two functions ir_remote() is for IR remote 
control and with this Bluetooth_control function,   I will control the appliance with Bluetooth. 
let me go to the Bluetooth_control function.   Here you can see, first, we are checking if there 
is any data available in the serial terminal,   which have defined to communicate with Bluetooth. 
then we are comparing the data with the predefined   values. If the data is "A1" then we will turn on 
the relay-1. and if the data is "A0", then will   turn off the relay-1. here I am using the active 
low relay module.

So if it receives a low signal   the relay will turn on and if it receives a HIGH 
signal, the relay will turn off. if you go through   the code, you can easily understand it. and if you 
refer to the same circuit, you just need to change   the HEX codes of the IR remote buttons. and if you 
want, you can change the device names. after that,   go to tools, select the board as ESP32 Dev module, 
and the partition scheme will be RainMaker. then   select the proper port. now hit the upload 
button. after programming the ESP32 now I will   add the devices to RainMaker. for that, I will 
press and hold the boot button for four seconds.   then I will release it. now you can use 
this QR code to add the devices. for that   open the "ESP RainMaker" app. and here first 
I have to turn on the Bluetooth and location.   now tap on "Add devices", and scan the QR code. 
you can use the same QR code. I will share this QR   code in the video description.

Now I have to pair 
it. Then enter the Wi-Fi credential. now, this may   take some time. now will tap on done. you can see, 
all the devices added. Now I will quickly link the   Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant with the ESP 
RainMaker. so I will go to settings, select the   voice service, then select Amazon Alexa. then 
I'll tap on "Link with Amazon Alexa". Here I   will tap on LINK. Now I will tap on Continue with 
Google and select the Email ID. We have connected   devices with Alexa. now let you quickly open 
the Google home app. I have already created   the home. Now go to setting, tap on "works with 
Google". here search for ESP RainMaker, then tap   on "Continue". after that, I will go to Dashboard 
of the Google Home.

In the dashboard, you can see   all the devices added. Here you can see, that 
I have connected the BLE module with ESP32.   As I said, you can also use the HC-05 Bluetooth 
module. now to control the relays with Bluetooth,   I have made an app in MIT app inventor. you can 
download this app from the video description. let   me install this app. I have not yet submitted this 
app to the Google play store, so you may get some   warning while installing it. let me open the app. 
Now if you use HC-05, then you can control relays   with the Bluetooth Switch window. but there I have 
connected a BLE module, so I will go to be BLE. I   will just tap on BLE for that. now I have to turn 
on the Bluetooth. let me give the permission.   first, I have to pair this BLE module. so I will 
go to the mobile Bluetooth, then I'll tap on the   BLE name and tap on "Pair" to pair the BLE 

Then I will go to the Bluetooth app.   now I will connect the module with the app. so I 
will tap on "connect" and select the module name.   now here it is showing connected. so I can control 
the relays with this app. and I can use this   button to turn on all the relays and this button 
to turn off all the relays. you can use any other   BLE module, for that you have to enter the service 
ID and the characteristics ID and tap on submit,   then you can able to control the relays. for 
the Reyax, I have already made it default,   so you don't have to enter any details for this 
BLE module. now if I go to App details, here   you can see to turn on the switch-1, I am sending 
"A1" to the Bluetooth module, and to turn it off,   I am sending "A0".

With these details, you can 
use this app for any Bluetooth projects. I have   not yet found such an app to control the relays 
with the BLE module. and as I said, if you want   to use the HC-05 Bluetooth module, you have to use 
this window Bluetooth Switch. and again you have   to pair the module first, then you have to connect 
it and control the relays with these buttons.   and here you can see, I have also connected the IR 
receiver. so I can also control relays with the IR   remote. let me turn on some relays, and I can use 
this button to turn off all the relays.

so this is   a very useful IoT project, as you can control 
relays with Bluetooth, IR remote, and manual   buttons and apart from that you can control the 
relays with the ESP RainMaker, Amazon Alexa,   Google Home, Google Assistant. and you can make 
this complete project using the free IoT tools.   If you find this project helpful then please give 
a thumbs up and share it with your friends. I will   really appreciate it if you support or work on 
Patreon, you can find the link in the description.   and don't forget to subscribe for more such 
projects. thank you for watching have a great day..

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