Room Tour – DIY Desk, Shelves, and Ikea Hack

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Earlier in the year i completed updating my home 
office to accommodate what i thought would be a   temporary working from home situation six months 
later this situation has become a permanent one   so i decided to make the most of it and do a 
full makeover of the back half of my home office   hello i'm matthew encina in this video i'll 
give you a tour of my yet again transformed   home office and take you through the process 
of how i built all of this from scratch   including this unique desk i 
made with a secret compartment   inside before i begin i want to give a shout 
out to skillshare for sponsoring this video   skillshare is an online learning community with 
thousands of inspiring classes for creative and   curious people take classes on graphic design film 
and productivity and learn alongside millions of   other creatives on real projects that help 
you grow and stay inspired stick around   till the end of the video where i'll share one 
major organization tip i learned on skillshare   kicking this project off my main goals in mind 
were to create more flat surface to work on   expand my storage and find a nice way to display 
my collectibles i also missed my standing desk at   work and wanted to make that a part of the setup 
recently my wife belinda and i built out her art   studio from scratch i really love the idea of 
her long flowing desk so i wanted to incorporate   that into the design of my space by creating 
a wood desk that extended onto this ikea shelf   that i already had in the room since i needed 
extra storage i planned to add two long shelves   that extended the width of the room i began 
by prepping the work area taking down artwork   shelves and getting rid of my plywood cabinet 
don't worry it found a good home with my brother   i then patched up all the holes in 
the wall and put a fresh coat of paint the first part of the build were the long 
shelves i wanted to install on my walls i   took a trip to home depot and bought two 
nine foot by one foot solid red oak boards   belinda sanded these boards down with 220 grit 
sandpaper and i coated them with my favorite   oil wax finish to mount these shelves on the 
wall i use these heavy duty steel brackets   which i screwed into my studs with cabinet screws 
these support a lot of weight in case i choose to   load these with heavy books in the future the next 
part of my build was making a custom standing desk   one thing i brought home from work was my dj 
gear which i stored at the office for whenever   we had parties djing is a fun therapeutic 
hobby of mine which i started back in 1999   and i wanted to incorporate it as a fun aspect 
to my office so i designed something that would   work as a variable standing desk and double 
up as a dj booth to hold my turntables and   mixer i ended up using white oak plywood for this 
desk to match the rest of the wood in the space   everything was going smoothly until i made a 
huge mistake i was in the process of drilling   dowel holes into the desk cover when i 
accidentally drilled through it i was   stressing out thinking i had to start over but 
then i moved into problem solving mode to design   around my mistake i decided to cut off the strip 
of wood i messed up and redo the holes correctly   this made a visible gap in the back of the desk 
but i ended up liking the way it looked it was   a happy accident i then moved on and installed 
a continuous piano hinge and installed a soft   closed support for the cover the problem was the 
soft close didn't work it couldn't even hold the   lid open after a day of researching better options 
i found what's called a gastrut lid support which   wasn't a soft close but a soft open luckily this 
option worked to support the weight of my lid   with the top of the desk built i moved on to 
installing the legs because this was more narrow   than a usual desk at 22 inches by 51 inches i 
had to get legs that could support the smaller   size and weight i ended up buying these motorized 
legs by direction desk that fit my build perfectly i loaded all of my dj gear into the desk but i 
wasn't satisfied with the aesthetic of the design   something didn't look right to me then i came 
up with this idea to include some kind of lining   inside belinda and i went to a few fabric stores 
to look at options and eventually ended up going   with this gray wool felt that matched my grove 
made desk pad on the other side of my office   belinda upholstered this material to a thin sheet 
of wood she cut out and glued it together using   an adhesive sheet we found at the fabric store all 
it took was a hot iron and some patience to apply we slid that lining inside the desk and put 
a grommet to run wires through and it looked   fantastic i went ahead and installed my techniques 
which are classic dj turntables and my recently   upgraded numark scratch mixer into the desk there 
are a lot of cables needed to power and connect   the devices so i spent some time organizing them 
to hide them from side i used cable ties and   channels to route my wires and i used the cable 
box to store my surge protector and power bricks   one key upgrade i wanted to do in this part of 
my office was improve the lighting situation   because i'm already in the philips hue ecosystem i 
invested in a few light strips and play lights and   i installed them on the shelves and inside the dj 
booth so that at night everything looked well lit with the desk complete i moved on to customizing 
this ikea bookshelf i had already owned i wanted   it to feel like i had one long continuous 
surface to work on i also wanted to match   the long horizontal shelves above so with a 
little bit of glue and a few pocket hole screws   i created a wood wrap out of the same white oak 
plywood as my desk i'll be honest my build for   this was pretty flimsy because i didn't want 
to glue it directly onto the ikea bookshelf   commitment issues if you want something more 
sturdy and permanent i'll leave a link to a great   tutorial by modern builds in the description 
with everything built the rest of my time was   spent reorganizing my books collectibles and 
tools i also made some room for a few plants   because of sponsors like skillshare i'm able 
to make content like this for you skillshare   is a place dedicated to learning they're always 
launching new premium classes and costs less than   10 a month with an annual subscription personally 
i've enjoyed the productivity master class from   thomas frank which taught me new tools and systems 
to keep my projects and files organized one big   tip i learned from that class was how to reduce my 
physical documents by scanning them with my phone   and storing them digitally this cleared up a lot 
of space in my office the first thousand people   to use the link in my description will get a 
free trial of skillshare premium membership   clicking the link is the easiest way to show 
your support for me while unlocking your own   creativity and productivity and that ends the tour 
of my updated home office it's a place that i can   work in during the day and relax in at night 
when i want to spend some time with some music   lately my wife and i have become addicted to home 
improvement and diy builds so let me know if you'd   like to see more of that stuff here in the future 
for more frequent updates follow my instagram at   mod musings if you have any questions drop them 
in the comments and i'll do my best to answer them   i've also left links to helpful resources 
and the products i used to create this space   all of that can be found in the description with 
that out of the way it's time for some music you

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