Treating our humble abode to smart devices can
help elevate our home and give it an air of sophistication and added character. Hey, my name
is Andrew, I'm a digital marketer and business owner and I'll share my new smart home setup on a
budget in this video. I've fortuitously collected smart home items over the last couple years
and i think it's time to take the next step and intentionally treat the apartment to more smart
home elements the goal of the new smart devices in this video is to naturally integrate more
convenience and simplicity into the apartment without cluttering the space and by the way
i'll be giving away smart devices to help you set up your very own smart home space so make sure
you're subscribed drop a like on this video and stay until the end of the video for the giveaway
so let's start with the current simple setup at the heart of all smart homes is the smart hub
it unifies all the smart gadgets and controls them from a single spot currently i'm in the
google ecosystem and the hubs i use consist primarily of a google home and a lenovo clock i
was also gifted an alexa echo dot and it's just used as an extra speaker for now the hubs are able
to deliver daily news calendar and weather updates control all smart home items and of course play
music across multiple devices i also have about 20 smart lights across the apartment from the
lounge room to the bedrooms and home office smart lights create an ambient sight cannot be
achieved with standard incandescent light bulbs from automated dimming through to endless color
options and pairing almost all smart lights here are exclusively philips hue lights and i'm yet
to fault them they're reliable bright with their a21 bulbs reaching 1600 lumens and the app
and ecosystem is seamless also installed is this integrated Irmet moto intercom that allows
us to control door access and also the security cameras the beauty of a smart home setup is
its flexibility in featuring as little or as many devices as you'd like there isn't any really
right or wrong way to do it and now that i have the lights hubs and intercom working all together
the next step and goal for this specific setup is to add further smart elements to the apartment
without breaking the bank i'm focusing on security and functionality here while retaining a minimal
aesthetic in the devices that i choose to begin with i've sourced a number of Aqara devices which
is a brand that creates beautifully designed easy to use smart devices that are best overall
affordable for full transparency Aqara is kindly sponsoring this video but all opinions are on
my own starting with probably one of the coolest additions is this camera hub g3 a robust 360 2k
security camera which doubles as a smart home hub when i say this is a robust smart device it
truly is robust the 2k camera is powered by a processor that allows for ai recognition
it recognizes faces gestures and even pads so if certain people arrive home it can activate
specific smart home elements to come on and also send a portion notification to my phone i also
have it set up so if a face isn't recognized the camera will record the event and automatically
be marked on a video timeline within the Aqara app there's also added convenience in its hand
gesture detection too which allows for a smart and quick access to commands through a piece
or ok sign for example and place the g3 right in the center console in the kitchen with the 360
camera covering the lounge room and the kitchen i was initially concerned about privacy but all the
data that is streamed is protected by WPA3 which stands for wi-fi protection access three it's
the latest gen mainstream security for wireless networks plus there is always physical masking
if you ever need it it's also worth mentioning the big plus here which is there is no monthly
subscription fees unlike the majority of home security cameras out there and it's just as robust
in its feature set as its competitors the camera hub g3 is an embedded smart home hub with all the
functionality in the case you don't have a google home amazon alexa or apple homepod for example if
you're just starting out with your own smart home setup but if you do have a hub a pre-existing hub
already like myself well then the connectivity and functionality of the camera hub g3 supports
basically all the hubs that i just mentioned okay next i'm adding this discrete door and window
sensor to the balcony door installation is super simple simply stick it onto any surface basically
so it's a simple discrete sensor that opens up access to a range of new smart home functionality
i'm able to now activate certain lights to come on at night when the door is open for example or
even activate the g3 camera hub to begin recording if the doors opened when we're out of home and
receive an immediate push notification to my phone similarly i've also installed a vibration sensor
here within my bedside table for peace of mind if i'm out and the drawer is opened the hub alarm
will go off and again a notification will be sent to my phone the device is designed to fit onto
just about anything so you're able to safeguard all sorts of valuables from paintings and safes
to your ps5 or even your pressure sneakers as much as i enjoy voice activated function
throughout the apartment in the smart home setup what's the weather today i'll admit i'm still a
fan of physical tactile buttons the wireless mini switch from Aqara is a nifty function it can
be programmed to wirelessly control just about any smart home function to become for example
a light switch an emergency button or even a doorbell when paired with a g3 camera hub i have
this set up right now next to my bedside table for quick access to the bedroom lights when i want
to switch them off when i'm falling asleep or back on in the middle of the night for a toilet
break for example it's also complemented by the Phillips dimmer switch which controls the entire
apartment lights from the hallway the beauty of these devices is the fact that they all work
in harmony and talk to one another and build upon one another to create a truly smart home and
by spending a couple hundred extra dollars i've added a bunch of new functionality to the space
from security through to the added convenience of automated lights based on a door sensor it's
honestly been more affordable and convenient to all set up than i thought it'd initially be
but uh just be wary that all the Aqara products will require and acquire a hub for these to work
in sync with one another now i confess i love jamming to music or even podcasts in the shower
so i've installed this genius hydropower bluetooth shower speaker it's powered by the flow of
water from the shower head which powers then the waterproof 360 speaker so you don't ever have
to think about charging it once it's installed being a smart device it also tracks water
temperature water consumption features led lights and is app controlled the unit is partially
made from recycled ocean plastic 2 which is always a nice sustainable touch speaking of waterproof
smart speakers i've added the new sonos rom to the apartment repertoire the rom pairs
portability smart connectivity and top tier sound quality that sonos is known for yes it's
made to be travelled with but it honestly looks and sounds great right at home i've placed
the speaker in the kitchen display shelf simply because this is one of the last few
rooms that isn't covered by a speaker and it looks perfectly at home with its clean triangular
lines discreet size and white embossed sonos logo it's compatible with the airplay 2 and the sonos
app for multi-streaming but more importantly for this setup google assistant and alexa is built
in so we can ask it to set timers while cooking checking the news and controlling other smart
home devices in terms of specific sound quality the little roam here extends itself further than
its size it's well balanced and full bodied in its sound output even at high volumes it can easily
cut through the chatter of several guests that we have over no problem and the base is again
surprisingly good but given its small size though of course don't expect it to be comparable
to its bigger popular brother the sonos one it is a little lacking in the base department
and overall don't expect too much to come out of the sonos room but it is amazing for its size
uh and it punches above its weight plus it also looks great in almost any space so transforming
your space into a smart space can be daunting but it doesn't and shouldn't be done all at
once in my opinion it's important that you plan out your space and smart home functionality
which is the first step before you go out and buy the smart home devices in the first place but
it's worth all the planning and investment the smart functionality added to the apartment now
even though they're not necessary are extremely nice to have it adds character to the apartment
functionality and extra security and as you've seen in this video it doesn't even need to break
the bank either so if you have any questions on this setup feel free to drop a comment down
below and i'll answer as many as i can and as for the promised giveaway drop the codeword
comments down below smart apartment on this video and enter your details in the link in
the description box below for a chance to win a brand new camera hub g3 to help elevate your own
smart home space and a big thank you to Aqara for hosting this generous giveaway hope you enjoyed
this video and as always thank you for watching
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