T-2 Buckeye Depron Foam RC Plane DIY

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not surprised it has power Hello guys it's me again Julius, thank you for visiting my channel it's been a long time since the last episode I've been busy making this project this is a T-2 Buckeye a jet trainer for US Navy and US
Marines before they switch to T-45 Goshawk when I first saw this image, this plane image on Google when a search about RC jet trainer I fall…

I fell in love
about this aircraft and I said to myself that I have to make this thing in RC
model and it is the RC model it is with 1300 wingspan, millimeters and 1400 grams flying weight it equipped with retractable landing gear like this it use 4S
battery learn from F4 phantom that only can fly slow I hope with 4s battery it
can fly more fast than the Phantom and like usual I use pusher prop like this
one. It is NTM 2830 1000kv it's quite powerful motor about 30 about 370
watts I know you guys want me to make the EDF version of this plane but I don't
have the EDF or 4S battery that suit with this plane but if you want to
support me I have just made a Patreon you can find the link on the bottom on the
description so I can buy the parts for more EDF jets and of course share the
plans with you ok after this we will see how I build this model jet
check this out Print the plans on A4 size paper or
you can choose to A0 size plans plans are available on my website paper- replika.com or there's a direct link on description below cut each parts
and combine them according to the parts number and then trace it on to 3 mm
and 5 mm foam sheet Here I am going to make a custom wheels for T-2 Buckeye, because this jet has unique wheel shape I use 7 mm plywood
for the rim for the rubber part I use 10 mm
black EVA foam for bushing I use 3 mm ring shape 3mm bicycle wheel spoke by
following the plans I used 3 mm bolts for
Stoppers Here I am going to make suspension for
the landing gear I use plastic from plastic tray to make the hinge parts punch holes before peel off the paper I use epoxy glue to glue the hinge parts I use 5 mm carbon tube for
upper part of the landing gear eventually I only use the suspension on
landing gear for the front landing gear I am going to build the wing this is not
the first time I use 3 mm foam but it's the first time with the
plans released, I only use 5 mm for formers and frames and use the rest
with 3 mm, make lines on the inside side of the bottom part of
the wing for spar positions according to the plans sanding the leading and
trailing edge like this we need to curve the wing part like this
with heat gun and metal pipe continue attaching airfoil formers and
spars cut holes for servo and landing
gear this part is a base for the landing gear
it's a 7 mm plywood continue attaching ribs this is how I install a servo for servo driven retractable landing gear you should use metal gear servo for this,
in the end I replaced the servo driven retract unit with servoless retract unit install servo for aileron like this close the wing with the top part because so many surfaces need to be
glued I use styrofoam glue and only use hot glue for the last surface which is
the trailing edge close the wingtip with foam trace and cut the aileron remove one edge of the aileron about 2 mm for aileron free movement and also remove 5 mm of the
bottom leading edge of the aileron, add foam strips to fill inside the aileron
like this and then sand it like this I use 50 mm styrofoam block to
make a wingtip draw center lines on each sides so you
will know which side you are working on sand it with medium sand paper and water to have smooth finish follow these steps to build the fuselage add foam strips inside to make those
edges straight pay attention on this part both edges
are not met with upper wall edges but glue to the base instead make holes on formers with solder to
save weight attach the wing to the fuselage
make sure the wing is straight and level before you glue it to the foam below this is the hardest part of the build
steps you need to make sure the tail part is already curved well and you have
to hold still the part at least 2 minutes before release it, on each gluing
process make sure the vertical stabilizer is
already straight before gluing to the tail use a pair of toothpicks to secure the
vertical stabilizer Sand all surface with medium sandpaper
with water before covering these are basic steps to cover the
airplane with wax paper, first we need to cover the upper part first, apply glue on
top and the bottom surface and spread evenly with brush put wax paper on top
of it and trim it to fit the size smooth the paper with wet brush and a
lot of water fold the excess paper and glue to the
backside after all upper part coating are already
dried patch the bottom side with another paper until all surface are covered, leave
overnight or at least 3 hours to let the paper coat dry here I'm going to make a canopy base to
close the cockpit section, I used 2 mm balsa sheet so you can also
use 3mm foam cover them with masking tape and paint
them black I use point 0.3 mm mica
plastic for the canopy place the mica plastic to the front
canopy base you need to glue this part like this
leave 5 mm hanging on the front, that part will be inserted onto
the front part canopy that already glued to the cockpit apply pilot and seat stickers on10 mm EVA foam and place them inside the canopy for landing gear doors I used 2 mm balsa sheet covered with packing tape, and soft wire for the hinge shaft use roll of paper for shaft housing I use elastic thread to connecting
landing gear door to landing gear strut install the elevator servo on the
bottom side of the horizontal stabilizer like this and then add a control horn and pushrod install a horizontal stabilizer and
insert the servo wire like this and then install servo for rudder finally add control horn and push rods
on ailerons I use an NTM 2830 1000kv
brushless motor with eight inch four blades propeller and 50A ESC and 4s 2200 mah lipo battery canopy is came off, take it slow its glide is good enough? come on the parking operator just like on the carrier are you going to rolling this? Fly higher use 3S? no, it's 4S Ok guys that's the maiden flight, I'm a bit
surprised actually because I don't think it can take off so easily only 3 meters
it's already airborne and shoot to the sky with confidence with more than
enough power I think I love this plane the motor power is enough, one more
thing is the landing gear I also didn't expect didn't expect this landing gear can
withstand and survive a single landing actually still can survive until this time and I think it will can survive more take off land, because I
will fly this plane again next week to try new motor, downside of this plane
is the aileron the aileron movement is too limited so it can it cannot roll
because is too limited I need to modify the control horn and
the hinge so it can move at least on this angle this is too limited, and the hardest part when building this model is the
tail section, you need to constantly check the alignment from the nose to the
tail make sure the nose and the tail in
straight line because at first i attached the tail a bit to the right so I
need to cut the left tail and bend the tail to the right so it will be straight line okay I need to share it because I don't
have on the build video the landing gear is only one strut the suspension is
removed only the front the landing gear has suspension okay and canopy, I use this
servo arm as a lock system it's like that I use EVA foam for the slot on the back
of the canopy just slot here and turn the lock the servo arm
okay that's the simple lock The next project will be T-28 Trojan
but in cartoon style about one meter and I don't have time for making continuing
Douglas DC-3 I think I will make a new episode, part one for building specially
DC-3 .

Ok guys if you liked this video consider to like and subscribe and
if you want to support me you can visit my Patreon link on the bottom and
thanks for watching.

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