Gharial: The prehistoric crocodilian that buzzes and blows bubbles to find a mate

Gharial: The prehistoric crocodilian that buzzes and blows bubbles to find a mate

Gharials split from other crocodilian species over 40 million years ago. (Image credit: RichLindie/Getty Images) Name: Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) Where it lives: Freshwater rivers in India and Nepal What it…

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Babirusa: The prehistoric ‘deer’ pigs with huge antler teeth

Babirusa: The prehistoric ‘deer’ pigs with huge antler teeth

Babirusas are amongst the earliest living members of the pig household and up until 2002, all babirusas were believed to come from a single types. (Image credit: Manoj Shah/Getty Images)…

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Never-before-seen head of prehistoric, car-size ‘millipede’ solves evolutionary mystery

Never-before-seen head of prehistoric, car-size ‘millipede’ solves evolutionary mystery

The 6.5-feet-long (2 meter)arthropod’s head has actually been discovered for this very first time after centuries of discovering insufficient fossils. (Image credit: Mickaël Lhéritier, Jean Vannier and Alexandra Giupponi(LGL-TPE, Université…

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