att smart home manager is a free app for att internet customers to personalize manage and optimize your home wi-fi experience right from the palm of your hand download the free att smart home manager app at the apple app store or google play store or go to att.com smart home manager and sign in with your att user id and password launch the app or go to the smart home manager website sign in and smart home manager will automatically run a number of diagnostics on your home network once the quick diagnostic is complete you'll be shown your homepage with special for you cards that provide recommendations to improve the health of your home network if needed recommendations may include your internet service status finding weak wi-fi spots in your home or making simple changes to optimize your home network select my wi-fi at the upper left to personalize your network here you can change your home wi-fi network name and password if you'd like select share wi-fi to easily share your wi-fi name and password with friends and family or create a separate guest wifi for your home visitors back at your home screen select network at the bottom to view the performance of your home network you can check your internet speeds in your home and to your connected devices along with helpful tips on getting the best speed see your home network hardware for troubleshooting or even adding att wi-fi extenders or view and manage the devices connected to your home wi-fi network by going to connected devices all the devices connected to your home network are listed here along with their wi-fi signal strength and data usage also notice the activity button at the top right here you can see your internet data usage for your entire home network for different time spans select the back arrow to return to your my devices screen and you can select any device listed here for more detail on a particular connected device on the device's detail page you can manage and personalize a number of features for specific connected devices starting at the top notice the three dots select the three dots and you can edit the device's name add the device to a profile we'll talk about profiles in a moment run a security scan or block the device from your home network and select gateways offer a prioritize button where you can set this device to have bandwidth priority over other connected devices on your home network this is a great feature to use if you need your work from home devices to have access to data speed over other devices in your home and then there's a pause button to temporarily block this device from your network we've mentioned profile so let's get back to the connected devices screen and look at profiles a profile allows you to group multiple devices on your home network so you can manage internet access for all of them with a single action smart home manager provides parental controls for profiles just select the button with a plus sign to start for example you can create a profile for your kids or any other home internet user and set a downtime schedule for bedtime or dinner time that restricts internet access on all devices in that profile at these times notice here on your network tab the handy restart wi-fi network link for a quick way to reboot your home wi-fi gateway please note you should reboot your gateway periodically to keep your home network optimized and finally your smart home manager app has more useful info in settings in your settings you can select app preferences to access atm t internet security and push notifications for alerts push notifications include an alert when a new device joins your network which is a great security feature to help stop unauthorized use on your network in the account section you can see your account details current service plan and data usage and the agreements are in the legal section need help or have further questions about your att internet service or home network select the three dot icon in the upper right corner to access the message center which includes virtual assistant you can chat with our virtual assistant to fix internet issues and get answers for questions you may have on your att internet service finally if all that wasn't enough att internet security with active armor helps protect your connected devices from accessing malicious websites avoiding attacks from outside your home network and scan for vulnerabilities with your devices for more details on how to optimize your connection and troubleshoot your home internet with att smart home manager please visit att.com improve internet speed thanks for choosing a t
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