Building a Smart Home Control Panel – Featuring Loxone

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so i made a bit of a schoolboy error i'm 
actually getting really annoyed you know   those little crest things cress head thing all 
right new iphone 13 just checking out the zoom   all right guys just a little tip um 
it's been a while since i built a how's it going everyone chris from 
automation and what i'm going to do today   is i'm going to go through the different steps 
and stages of building a smartphone control panel   and this is the first video um that i'm 
shooting in my workshop garage which is   not quite finished yet but it's pretty much 
there and this panel needs to get done so   so yeah a bit cold as well hence the 
gloves i haven't got a heater in here   anyway before we get started let's just 
uh run through the actual project so   this is a smaller um sub panel really to the to 
the main control panel um we're using locks on if   i didn't mention um locks on for this project and 
this panel is going to basically be controlling   um lighting and heating mainly in a smaller 
sort of outhouse tree house sort of area   so if we jump into the designs um and what 
we've got is we've got six different supplies   the first one 40 amp from sauna second is a for 
an immersion uh next one's 16 amp for a towel rail   6 amp for pull pump 6m for lighting circuits 
which are made up of daly circuits and just normal   switch 230 volt circuits and then we've also got 
a supply 6 amp supply for the controls within that   panel and if you're interested to see how i went 
about doing the designs then i'm actually going to   do another video running through that so if you 
are interested please make sure you subscribe and   hit the bell button and give this video a like if 
you do enjoy it and then you'll be notified when   that design video does come out so yeah just going 
back to the designs again let's go through this in   more detail so on the left hand side of the panel 
we're gonna have the the main supplies coming in   and and that's this this panel's slightly 
different to how i'd usually wire a control panel   usually we'd have just one main feed and then 
split across various breakers along the bottom   but with this one because it's a sub panel 
and there's a consumer unit already in situ   um we're basically just taking feeds from mcbs 
within that distribution board which is actually   in the same room as this panel so it's going to 
be nice and simple so yeah those supplies we've   got 40 amp for the sauna and then that's going 
to be controlled through a contactor we've got   a 16 amp for an immersion and again that's 
going to be controlled through a contactor   then we've got a 16 amp for towel rail that's 
going to be controlled just for a relay on on   the loxon relay extension and then we've got 
a 6 amp for a pool pump again for a relay   six amps for the lighting circuits so 
those are going to be controlled through   different relays again and then we've got a 
supply which is just going straight into the   power supply 24 volt power supply that's 
feeding all the controls within the panel   so that's going to be the first load of terminal 
blocks the next one the next one sorry are going   to be the outbound cables going to the sauna going 
to the immersion tower rails pool pumps and then   all the lighting circuits including um a gnarly 
lighting circuit as well or a couple of darling   darley lighting circuits so that's all the mains 
connections done and then the next ones along   are going to be for um 24 volt control 
circuits um made up of mainly faraday tap ones   faraday motion sensors and the there's one there's 
a couple of spares and then there's a smoke alarm   input and then we've also got the locks 
on link which is the loxon communication   bus coming from the main panel into this panel 
to complete the bus and add that bus onto the   extensions within our panel so if you're 
not familiar with faraday faraday are a uk   manufacturer and they do or they manufacture 
very small form factor motion sensors like   in line in the ceiling really really nice and 
they've got a variety of different finish touch   switches capacitive touch switches uh the tap 
one and the tap three and that's what's going   to be controlling this project mainly controlling 
lighting with some um temperature sensing as well   so the first step is let's get all our components 
mounted on our panel so it looks like that   so that's the first thing just a quick one 
if you're on social media give us a follow   on instagram that's where we spend most of our 
time and going through what we're doing on a   daily basis cheers i've actually only got 
this mounted with one screw at the moment   i thought it might might be good 
enough i don't think it will the first lot of terminals are going to be 
for the supplies so put those on the far left and then the next slot requires 16 terminal blocks 
so those are going to be the outbound terminals   to all the lighting or the lighting circuits 
and the sauna the immersion the tower rails   the pool pump um i've only ordered 10 well i only 
have 10 remaining with this type of terminal block   so either i change the terminal block type these 
are v miller weed muller however you pronounce it   the other ones i've got are way go um so i'm 
gonna keep it consistent so it means i'm gonna   have to order some more um not to worry so 
they should come tomorrow the next day so   but we would carry on without him for now so the next lot of terminal blocks are these 
um eight by two straight through uh connectors   so these are not ideal for control cables 
cat cable um low powered cables basically so   locks on tree cable knx cable um category five six 
cable um so yeah those are the next ones to go on next thing i'm going to do is label them and this 
just makes referencing when connecting cables   much quicker and easier so 
you might as well do it now problem is my hands are so 
cold i can't i can't undo them   pull them out of their strip and then 
plug them into the terminal block when your hands are that cold you have to 
you probably can't see that resort pliers that doesn't work either when your hands are frozen it's far easier to do 
it on the bench um i've lost a number 25 somewhere   hopefully it will turn up you know when you 
you drop something you just can't help but   keep looking for it so i was probably 
wasted five ten minutes looking for it   now just in little bits here and there um but 
it will blatantly turn up but it will turn up   you know tomorrow or something or but yeah 
you can't help yourself but but look for it   i'm actually getting really annoyed um it's 
equally as difficult getting these little bastards   on the terminal blocks on the bench i think 
i'll just leave it and go inside and do it   where my hands are warmer and or just get someone 
with small fingers to do it it's really annoying yeah so i did actually plan for some breakers 
and the main switch um got bar somewhere yeah   did i just hand for that but then turned out 
that the distribution board was right next to   it so yeah as i said we're using feeds from that 
distribution board directly into the panel and so   yeah we don't need to worry about that so yeah 
we got our focus will it cover my face it might   focus yeah those are our uh contactors one for 
the sauna the 40 amp and one for the immersion   16 amp the luxon relay extension so yeah relay is 
all controlled through locks on it's one of their   modules um 14 of them all rated at 16 amps 
dali extension so that is obviously for our   uh dali lighting communications through 
loxon and i would be showing you the loxon   uh digital input extension but it's not in stock 
so i've got one to show you so for the time being   i'm going to just use a placeholder i think 
i've got a spare locks on air extension which   is exactly the same width and height and so 
i'm just going to go up into my little loft and   try and find it to use as a placeholder so 
thanks logs on making me having to do this yeah so exactly the same casing and size as the 
uh the digital input extension so i'll just use   that for now hopefully the digital input extension 
will arrive before this job goes out so touch wood   next we've got just a small power supply 
1.3 amps 1.4 amps it's interesting yeah 1.25 amps i thought it was 1.4 amps 
but uh that'll do and that's going down here and then the final thing going into the panel is 
two of these um again similar to the blue ones   eight by two-way terminal blocks by v miller but 
these are all interconnected so whatever you put   in you get out on all of them so good for a 24 
volt bus and sorry not bus uh 24 volt common to   put your 24 volts all over the 
place and the same with zero volts right now they're all mounted in place but the 
missing terminals are to get those on order   what i'd usually do is i'd start with the main so 
the main supply the feeds do those first then do   the switched 20 um the switch 230 volts for the 
lighting the heaters the immersion and then go on   to do the the low power stuff and the controls um 
i'm actually going to reverse that order because   one i haven't got some four mil cable 
i'm waiting for that to arrive um   and obviously those terminal blocks aren't 
there so i'm gonna do it in reverse order and do   the control side and the the um 
extra low voltage stuff 24 volts after breaking your trunking finger bits 
keep hold of them um because they do point   especially when you've got really really 
loaded up finger trunking with not much space   if you stick them in like that i'll get a closer 
closer shot for you but yeah if you stick them   in like that that will actually keep all your um 
cable within the trunking so that's what it looks   like with all the terminals and devices in place 
you might say it's a little bit overkill there's   quite a lot of space but customer wanted uh a 
matching future automation panel um plenty of   space for expansion and there was going to be some 
mcbs and the main switch down there so really it's   not too overkill but that's what it looks like 
laid out now to wire it up so that's the first   cable done the locks on link so that's coming 
in on 33 from the other panel and it's going   down here to the first extension into the 
relay extension out to the dali extension   and then for now the air base extension 
which will be the digital input extension   and then there should be a 120 ohm resistor on 
the end of the bus which i will remember to add   before the panel goes out right next part 
that i've just done well firstly i've actually   moved everything in a bit um got plenty of room 
so let's make it easy for the people to actually   mount it move those devices out the way so that 
should make it easy to mount um but what i've done   now is 24 volts out of the power supply and 
that's actually running up here um and then   out and it's going relay extension dali and 
then that for now digital input yeah also move   these uh common bars or common common terminals 
from over here because they actually stick out   uh further than this um and that top bit is 
gonna be completely covered so anyway the   next bit is gonna take 24 volts and zero volts 
out of here and i'm going to link it to various   terminal blocks here that require 24 volts 
and zero volts which is basically all of them   okay and then the next bit 
of the 24 volt distribution   is out of here and one cable is going here 
and then as you can see linking across   another cable on this fire on these five here 
linking across and then just a single 24 volt   going up to 27 and 28 linking across um and 
that's for the motion sensors i think yeah   so they need an extra 24 volts on each so yeah 
that's 24 volt distribution done uh the next thing   well you'll see so i made a bit of a schoolboy 
error um and you see this bar here this top bar   if that's um on these little feet if you can 
see those those feet there standoffs you can't   actually get the um the covering plate on um so 
just a little tip make sure you take those feet   off and mount the din rail flat against this panel 
i'll show you what it looks like in a minute but   just uh an easy one to forget um yeah yeah so you 
get the din rail off hanging by a thread there um   yeah and then just um allen key take the feet off 
and then mount that back as you'll see in a sec   that's better so yeah so now um what was 
happening when the the covering plate was on   those were actually sticking out through the 
hole i think i've got a photo somewhere but now   it's um yeah it's as you can 
see it will be below that plate right day two not that it's taking two days to get 
that far but yeah um as you saw on the close-up   videos this is where we're at now so we've got 
all the terminal blocks we've mounted those back   so we've taken off the feet of the din rail 
so the cover plate actually goes on and   also for focus we've got this digital input 
extension so i've got 20 digital inputs within   this extension that can give feedback on whether 
a door's open whether you've pressed a switch   whether a motion sensor has been triggered so 
that's what that's going to be useful that's going   to be used for the paradigm motion sensors and the 
paradigm touch ones so i can get that in there and   remove the placeholder of the air base right just 
before i get started that is the digital input   extension added now and because it's the last 
thing look at that zoom my new iphone 13 just   checking out the zoom um yeah 120 ohm resistor 
at the end of the luxon bus um so yeah one not to   forget so just before starting the mains it's just 
doing the uh digital inputs that are going from   from there up here and then into into these 
connectors up here so always basically take   the length of the longest cable um so that'll 
be from there to the furthest side here with a   little bit of a service loop um take that length 
and then cut as many as i need at that length   and then i test let's see if that'll focus i'd 
test the depth of how much it needs to be stripped   back so annoyingly it needs to be slightly deeper 
on this one on these terminal blocks than into   this digital input so i basically i'll strip back 
all the ends for the digital input so i'm putting   those in first and then i'll make my this is a 
quality tool uh next stripper increase the length   increase the length a little bit and then 
strip all the other ends to go into the goals you know those little crest things chris head 
things that used to used to have as a kid   kind of reminds me of that um people might be 
saying oh why are you using green uh that's for   a tree cable yeah that's true um green is for tree 
but because there's no tree in this panel um and i   want to stick with using this um i can't remember 
what's called panel wire from fs cables um and   it's tri-rated i'm going to use green for all 
the digital inputs so that's the reason for that   there we go then the little crest potato head 
man is dressed in and ready to go out to the   faraday tap ones and the faraday motion 
sensors and a smoke alarm let us know in   the comments what content you'd like 
to see more of whether it's loxon   knx control4 or smart home in general or building 
automation or panel work anything just give us   a shout in the comments and we'll try and 
produce some more content in line with that cheers right so that is the main 
feeds done um as you can see   the first two the four mil and this 
next one here that's for the sauna   switching on the sauna and that's for an immersion 
so those two cables both are just coming straight   through through neutral and uh live into these 
two contactors and then i'll be coming out the top   straight back out to these terminal blocks 
here um then we've got a pool pump we've got a   towel rail and then the rest are lighting 
um so there's a there's a pool pump and the   tail rails going for a couple of these and then 
the majority of these are just um feeds for the   lighting circuits on different relays so they're 
just basically bust across a much better solution   is to have a i think it's by waygo and the 
guys at ixa supply them but they're little   um their little bridges for these relays so you 
don't have to um cable the supply or the feed   but in this case i think to 
be honest i need i needed them   um anyway so that's the feeds for the relays 
and then that final feed going down here   and then again lighting lighting 
circuits so now it's just a matter of   um coming out the other end uh and then 
i've also got to do the dali output as well yeah so i'm sort of remembering now as i'm going 
through it that um what i used to do is just   do all the mains cables first um apart from 
those feeds i was talking about to the relays   get all of those in and that usually means the 
thicker cables are put in as well first and then   the smaller thinner controls cables are then put 
in sort of second over the top of those firstly   get all your thick cables like these four mils in 
first um because then they can just be pinned back   out the way right to the back and all your sort 
of smaller cables more sort of fiddly cables   can sit over the top and they're easier to run 
because now when i'm going to come out of these   relays the um the secondary side of these relays 
i'm going to have to sort of go in and in and out   around here and it's just a bit of 
a pain um so that's the first thing   um secondly i've just remembered that i normally 
do the feeds from these relays last so as you can   see they're just sort of in the way when they're 
plugged in like that they're they're in the way   when you're running cables in the in the finger 
trunking i suppose it depends how you do it but   when you're doing it that way they certainly 
do so do your outputs of your relays first   um going to the um terminal blocks um so 
yeah i'll just just written a reminder   really outs before feeds uh and big cables 
first so that should remind me for the next one right that is it all done i'm wired um i've 
been battling with my ocd for the last hour   hour and a half basically just rearranging 
how these cables are all swooping around   one thing i might come back to tomorrow is just 
sort out these feed wires i don't really like   how they look at the moment um i don't 
know how i'm going to make them look   that much better but and to be fair once once 
the trunking's on uh once the covers are on look   it's basically gonna look like that so you don't 
really see it but still it looks a bit pants when   you pull the trunking off um but yeah that's it 
basically done added in the uh the dali as well um   ready for testing so i'll do what i'll do tomorrow 
is a uh just a continuity test just buzzing   buzzing through the cables um functionality wise 
there's no mini server to connect i suppose i   could connect a mini server to it but um but no 
the my my friend chris who is uh commissioning it   will be able to do all of that so yeah i'll 
run through the testing tomorrow oh again   okay right so the last bit now is just testing 
um and it's not going to be a full-blown   functionality test where i'm going to connect 
the laptop and program it and test all the i o   that way it's literally just 
going to be a straightforward   continuity test just buzzing the cables from 
one end to the other and making sure that they   are connected and if they're not put them right 
and yeah just ticking off the drawings really   so i can't really film this too well but it's 
pretty self-explanatory really supply coming   in here we're pretending that that's like coming 
in and we're basically buzzing out that cable so   neutral goes over to here there we go and then we 
do the same on the other side make sure that that   goes to number seven neutral back out to the sauna 
and we just do that on every single um circuit   within the panel so that's the mains checked 
all continuity is alright um and then to do the   the thinner stuff uh like the the locks on link 
uh digital inputs the um 24 volt power supply   um yeah what i do is i just strip back a bit of 
thinner cable wrap it around the probes and bob's   your uncle a couple of little labels there just to 
let the guys who are installing or commissioning   those the feeds coming in and those are the 
circuits coming out uh i would sometimes depending   on how big the panel is and the documentation 
put labels on here but it's all very obvious it's all very obvious what stuff is so yeah no 
need for that i don't think the documentation is   um good enough so that's what it looks like with 
all the spaces the um they're made by abb but   they uh you can get them from fa future automation 
but yeah that's quite a lot of them in this panel   that's it everyone if you enjoyed it give us a 
like give us a subscribe and thanks for watching

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