Hey you everyday heroes and technology friends. I'm Carsten from NEXENTRO and I'm going to show you today how you can make your home really smart in just a few simple steps. Comes with! What you don't need for this: a sledgehammer, a degree or an 8-meter radio tower. Simply select the appropriate actuator, integrate it into the appropriate technology and get started. This is how NEXENTRO works! Alexa, … good morning … Alexa, … good night! The eternal battle: early risers versus morning grouches. With blind and dimming actuators you have the upper hand here. You control the light and blinds by voice command, with a fixed schedule, on your smartphone or directly at the switch. There are practically no limits, but endless possibilities. NEXENTRO is based on a few basic building blocks that can be installed individually in any room.
Every socket and many devices can then be controlled, operated and used creatively. How exactly do you see that now? Alexa, fan on! There are three types of actuators in NEXENTRO. You don't need a complete system, you choose what you want to integrate and what not. Thanks to the ZIGBEE radio standard, NEXENTRO is compatible with virtually all smart home systems. The technology is installed directly behind the existing sockets without drilling. The actuator is therefore invisible in the wall and can be controlled by voice command, app or by pressing a button.
A special feature is the button interface. It is not an actuator, but a radio transmitter that you can operate using your existing switches. You can use it to operate every NEXENTRO actuator, but also your smart lamps. Even light scenes can be saved. You can then easily configure all of this via the app. The interface then acts as a transmitter that forwards the commands directly to the appropriate devices when you press the switch. The living room is immediately transformed into a gaming cave – or into a cozy after-work lounge.
You decide! Sometimes one loses, sometimes the other wins. What you gain with Smart Living: money, time and nerves. Who doesn't know it? Summer vacation is calling, all bags are packed – and then?! Unplug all lamps, switch off power guzzlers, check each room individually … or you can do it very smartly with the button interface. Put everything on one switch and off you go … let's go south! Close all blinds! If you have integrated NEXENTRO into your smart home system, you can also control all actuators remotely. This way, you can keep an eye on everything when you're on the go and, for example, lower the blinds if necessary, even when you're already on the street.
Well, did I promise too much? … with NEXENTRO Smarthome for everyone..
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