10th-century woman buried with weapons in Hungary is 1st of her kind, but researchers are hesitant to call her a warrior

10th-century woman buried with weapons in Hungary is 1st of her kind, but researchers are hesitant to call her a warrior

An illustration of the SH-63 skeleton as discovered throughout excavation beside a thought of restoration of the middle ages Hungarian warrior female burial with weapons. (Image credit: Balázs Tihanyi et…

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DNA confirms these 19th-century lions ate humans

DNA confirms these 19th-century lions ate humans

For a number of months in 1898, a set of male lions turned the Tsavo area of Kenya into their own human searching premises, eliminating numerous building and construction employees…

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16th-century compass unearthed in Poland may have belonged to Copernicus

16th-century compass unearthed in Poland may have belonged to Copernicus

The compass, likewise called a divider, was discovered in the town where Nicolaus Copernicus lived and passed away. (Image credit: Warmińska Grupa Eksploracyjna) Archaeologists in Poland have actually found a…

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